Crystals and other Gem Stones
I've been collecting crystals and other stones for many years. I have buckets full of them. Some I have in various parts of my home & office.
Some I carry on my person . . . always.
There are others, that I have in my office, that I sit and look at and contemplate some of the deeper thoughts that I have.
I charge them with Reiki and give them to others to carry along their own journey through this world.
Some, I set and hold and think about the energy they hold and the minerals they are made of that match the minerals of my own body.
We are both of the Earth, and to the Earth we will both, eventually, return.
We travel this path, in this point in time, and both . . . shall return from whence we came.
Do you have a favorite stone, rock, or crystal that you share your space with?